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Airport: Dallas Fort Worth International (DFW)



  Enterprise Market share Change
1 Fly Texas 40.07% +7.98 (+24.88%)
2 MetroAir 13.05% +5.25 (+67.39%)
3 +9 Viva America 4.34% +2.99 (+221.45%)
4 +1 AmeriFly 3.67% -1.56 (-29.86%)
5 -2 Dallas Air 3.65% -2.45 (-40.22%)
6 +2 US Flyer 3.46% +1.01 (+41.07%)
7 -1 Winds USA 2.56% -0.44 (-14.80%)
8 +3 Leaf Airlines 1.64% +0.17 (+11.43%)
9 +7 Unionstar 1.59% +0.31 (+24.63%)
10 -1 Summit Air 1.57% -0.56 (-26.25%)
11 -4 Western Coastal Express 1.47% -1.02 (-40.94%)
12 +1 Holiday Star USA 1.28% -0.06 (-4.26%)
13 +10 temp195 1.25% +0.30 (+31.34%)
14 +6 BurgerSky 1.04% -0.00 (-0.19%)
15 OK JET 0.94% -0.35 (-27.25%)
16 new Everglade Airlines 0.93% 0.00 (+100.00%)
17 +1 R1 American 0.88% -0.33 (-27.25%)
18 +25 Duesseldorf International Airways 0.87% +0.47 (+118.60%)
19 -5 jetSpeed 0.86% -0.45 (-34.52%)
20 -3 greenJet 0.86% -0.37 (-30.31%)
21 +5 GeoCorp Airlines 0.70% +0.05 (+8.42%)
22 +5 StarWings 0.67% +0.04 (+6.24%)
23 +1 Over the Clouds of Ohio 0.66% -0.25 (-27.25%)
24 +8 Liberty Airways 0.65% +0.07 (+12.57%)
25 South Florida Express 0.63% -0.09 (-12.69%)
26 +2 Flying Charlotte 0.63% +0.02 (+2.75%)
27 +9 Chesapeake Airways 0.61% +0.09 (+18.20%)
28 -6 KO USA 0.57% -0.44 (-43.82%)
29 -8 Airline of America 0.56% -0.48 (-45.87%)
30 -26 Defunct enterprises 0.53% -5.06 (-90.57%)
31 +4 Wings of America 0.50% -0.03 (-5.27%)
32 -3 Jet9 0.50% -0.09 (-15.33%)
33 -29 Defunct enterprises 0.49% -5.10 (-91.27%)
34 -1 ZEPHYR X 0.48% -0.09 (-15.60%)
35 +18 Chax Flying 0.45% +0.24 (+116.58%)
36 +6 British Skies 0.44% +0.01 (+1.86%)
37 +1 Borealis Air 0.41% -0.05 (-10.83%)
38 +2 Cheeta Air 0.39% -0.06 (-12.69%)
39 +26 USA Airlines Group 0.39% +0.33 (+526.04%)
40 +1 First International Airline 0.39% -0.06 (-12.69%)
41 -10 airNashville 0.38% -0.20 (-34.52%)
42 +3 Allinol Airways 0.34% -0.06 (-14.46%)
43 +5 Concordia 0.31% -0.04 (-12.69%)
44 +5 Newark Air 0.28% -0.04 (-12.69%)
45 +9 Liberty MidWest 0.25% +0.05 (+22.34%)
46 -7 Sunfly 0.23% -0.22 (-49.07%)
47 air new 0.22% -0.14 (-38.50%)
48 -11 Discover the world 0.22% -0.28 (-56.35%)
49 +12 Chicago Airways 0.21% +0.11 (+116.54%)
50 +10 Walnut State Airlines 0.18% +0.08 (+68.70%)
51 +17 Last Frontier Air 0.16% +0.15 (+1,079.83%)
52 -1 JetAtlantic 0.15% -0.13 (-47.82%)
53 +11 Fly Toronto 0.13% +0.06 (+79.35%)
54 -8 Northern Pacific Airways 0.12% -0.25 (-67.02%)
55 +3 Midway Air Service 0.10% -0.06 (-38.61%)
56 -4 FlyMeArround 0.10% -0.14 (-58.67%)
57 +6 Global Premier 0.05% -0.02 (-25.59%)
58 +11 City Link Cargo 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)
59 +11 World Wide Cargo 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)
60 +11 Goliath National Freight 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)
61 +11 Mystica 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)
62 +11 Cargo King 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)
63 +11 Rockiesky 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)
64 +11 BOXpress 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)


  Enterprise Market share Change
1 Fly Texas 27.26% +7.00 (+34.54%)
2 +4 Cargo King 15.59% +11.37 (+269.49%)
3 +1 MetroAir 8.98% +4.09 (+83.57%)
4 -1 World Wide Cargo 7.19% +0.90 (+14.30%)
5 +10 US Flyer 4.89% +2.97 (+155.17%)
6 -1 Rockiesky 4.13% -0.30 (-6.71%)
7 +2 Mystica 4.07% +1.15 (+39.12%)
8 +31 Discover the world 3.03% +2.72 (+894.31%)
9 +24 Viva America 2.06% +1.54 (+296.82%)
10 +2 Holiday Star USA 2.05% +0.01 (+0.46%)
11 -1 Dallas Air 1.57% -0.90 (-36.30%)
12 +1 City Link Cargo 1.48% -0.46 (-23.69%)
13 +16 Goliath National Freight 1.48% +0.82 (+123.90%)
14 AmeriFly 1.26% -0.67 (-34.80%)
15 +1 BOXpress 1.16% -0.63 (-34.97%)
16 +2 Unionstar 1.09% +0.02 (+1.74%)
17 -6 Western Coastal Express 0.92% -1.18 (-56.28%)
18 +27 Duesseldorf International Airways 0.90% +0.71 (+373.36%)
19 +2 Leaf Airlines 0.90% +0.02 (+2.36%)
20 -3 Winds USA 0.87% -0.67 (-43.65%)
21 +1 BurgerSky 0.66% -0.14 (-17.29%)
22 -2 Summit Air 0.63% -0.25 (-27.91%)
23 -21 Defunct enterprises 0.52% -16.03 (-96.84%)
24 +1 OK JET 0.52% -0.20 (-27.48%)
25 -1 R1 American 0.47% -0.27 (-36.65%)
26 new Everglade Airlines 0.41% 0.00 (+100.00%)
27 +7 Jet9 0.39% -0.04 (-8.40%)
28 -2 KO USA 0.39% -0.33 (-45.79%)
29 -27 Defunct enterprises 0.37% -16.18 (-97.75%)
30 +5 First International Airline 0.36% -0.02 (-4.04%)
31 -8 Liberty Airways 0.33% -0.47 (-58.41%)
32 +9 Chesapeake Airways 0.32% +0.08 (+33.51%)
33 -5 Airline of America 0.28% -0.41 (-59.11%)
34 +3 StarWings 0.26% -0.09 (-24.88%)
35 -3 greenJet 0.26% -0.28 (-52.55%)
36 +12 Midway Air Service 0.21% +0.05 (+31.14%)
37 +12 temp195 0.21% +0.06 (+36.33%)
38 +13 GeoCorp Airlines 0.20% +0.06 (+41.41%)
39 +31 USA Airlines Group 0.20% +0.19 (+4,266.03%)
40 +6 Cheeta Air 0.18% -0.01 (-4.04%)
41 -3 South Florida Express 0.18% -0.13 (-41.87%)
42 +13 Borealis Air 0.18% +0.06 (+47.45%)
43 +18 Chax Flying 0.18% +0.11 (+141.81%)
44 +16 Walnut State Airlines 0.18% +0.09 (+99.23%)
45 +5 ZEPHYR X 0.16% +0.01 (+7.33%)
46 +7 Newark Air 0.12% -0.01 (-4.04%)
47 -5 Allinol Airways 0.12% -0.12 (-49.62%)
48 +6 Concordia 0.12% -0.01 (-4.04%)
49 +17 Chicago Airways 0.12% +0.08 (+235.85%)
50 +19 Last Frontier Air 0.10% +0.09 (+1,019.50%)
51 +12 Wings of America 0.08% +0.01 (+19.95%)
52 Global Premier 0.07% -0.06 (-47.76%)
53 -13 FlyMeArround 0.07% -0.24 (-78.39%)
54 +5 air new 0.06% -0.03 (-32.83%)
55 -12 Over the Clouds of Ohio 0.06% -0.17 (-73.31%)
56 JetAtlantic 0.06% -0.07 (-54.39%)
57 +11 Fly Toronto 0.05% +0.03 (+205.32%)
58 -14 Northern Pacific Airways 0.05% -0.15 (-74.56%)
59 +12 Sunfly 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)
60 +12 jetSpeed 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)
61 +12 British Skies 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)
62 +12 airNashville 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)
63 +12 Liberty MidWest 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)
64 +12 Flying Charlotte 0.00% 0.00 (0.00%)