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Airport: Cologne/Bonn (CGN)


Current local time 10:15:37 Friday 21.02.2025
Time zone UTC + 01:00
Demand calculation 20:23:18 UTC
IATA Area Traffic Conference 2
IATA Sub-Area Europe
Country Germany
Continent Europe
Runway 3,815 m
Airport size Above-average sized airport
Slots (per 5 minutes) 14
Slot Availability 96%
Min. transfer time 01:00h
Nighttime ban no nighttime ban
Noise restrictions Restricted to Chapter III and IV aircraft


2025-02-20 19:18 UTC Aerowings has opened a new station at Cologne/Bonn.
2025-02-19 21:50 UTC Fly Texas Iraq has opened a new station at Cologne/Bonn.
2025-02-19 08:19 UTC Milkyway has opened a new station at Cologne/Bonn.
2025-02-10 17:13 UTC Fly West Air, based at Cologne/Bonn, has ceased operations. All shares have been returned or liquidated.
2025-02-09 01:57 UTC JumpJet has opened a new station at Cologne/Bonn.
2025-02-08 22:07 UTC Fly West Air and Aerosky Espana have signed a new interlining agreement.
2025-02-08 07:10 UTC Fly West Air have shut down their station at Bengaluru.
2025-02-08 07:10 UTC Fly West Air have shut down their station at Tampa.
2025-02-07 16:59 UTC Fly West Air has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2025-02-07 16:59 UTC Fly West Air has opened a new station at Las Palmas.
2025-02-06 22:38 UTC Fly West Air and Goliath National Freight have signed a new interlining agreement.
2025-02-06 19:50 UTC Fly West Air have shut down their station at Toronto Pearson.
2025-02-06 19:50 UTC Fly West Air have shut down their station at Montreal.
2025-02-06 16:18 UTC Fly West Air has opened a new station at Montreal.
2025-02-06 16:18 UTC Fly West Air has opened a new station at Toronto Pearson.

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There are thousands of airports and hundreds of countries in AirlineSim. Consequently, data are bound to be wrong sometimes. In case you came across any mistake - like wrong values, missing airports or naming errors - please send your findings, your sources and a detailed description of the issue to Thank you very much for your support!


Enterprise IL Weekly departures Flight schedule
AdriAir 4 Departures
Aerosky Espana 21 Departures
Aerowings 6 Departures
Air Kanton 14 Departures
Apox Air 21 Departures
Apox Cargo 0 Departures
AviSAW 7 Departures
Belgian Airways 21 Departures
British Air Cargo 7 Departures
British Skies 21 Departures
Cerveza International 5 Departures
Energy Discover 21 Departures
EU Trans 28 Departures
Europewings 7 Departures
Faravahar 7 Departures
FLY SMART 14 Departures
Fly Texas Iraq 7 Departures
FlyWorld 5 Departures
FlyWorld Express 7 Departures
Goliath National Freight 28 Departures
Hanseatic 28 Departures
Hibiscus Airways 0 Departures
ItaloAir 33 Departures
jetBaltic 7 Departures
Milkyway 12 Departures
Panther Air 21 Departures
PrimorSkies 2 Departures
Qumar Airways 28 Departures
Rockiesky 56 Departures
Serdica 7 Departures
SilverWings 14 Departures
Suisse Romandia 7 Departures
TBAir 14 Departures
Turner Air 13 Departures
UKair 7 Departures
UKair Connect 14 Departures
Vikingways 14 Departures
Winds USA 7 Departures
Wings of Czechia 21 Departures